Monday, December 17, 2007

ANOTHER Give Away?!

I know!!!! The only thing you get out of me is go here and win this or go there and win that, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do!! I LOOOOOOVVVVEEE give aways! We happen to live on one income for 5 people, so I sign up where signing up is due! ;) However, I also know that a few of you live on one income as well and could be blessed by some free bidness!!!! So, without delay go here and sign up to win a $200 gift certificate for JEANS!!!!
Hurry Hurry!!! I will definetly have an update on my blog about something other than give aways some time, it just might have to be after Christmas! Being a wife, mommy, teacher, baker, cook, budgetier, house cleaner, and ALL the hats that I sport throughout the day, seems to take up a WHOLE lot of my time!!! ;) Who'd a thunk!
Ta Ta For Now! God bless you!


Pam--in America said...

thanks for the link Sarah. Glad to see that you're still around! I was starting to wonder what happened to you.

I live IN Jesus said...

Hi Pam!
Life seems to happen to me!!! ;) I only have minimal time these days to sit down at the computer and read my e-mail, or a couple of blogs! But writing(or typing as it were!) is simple out of the question! I hope that you are having a wonderful Jesus Birthday! God bless you and your family.

Heather said...

Thanks Sarah!! Would love to read what's going in your family these days :) Any pics?

Heather said...

Well, I probably should have read your response to Pam before encouraging more on your blog ;) I hear ya sister, life is crazy busy with little ones!! (((hug))))heather

I live IN Jesus said...

Hey Heather!
No problem! I hope to maybe blog some stuff--I am having a difficult time as to what I would like to disclose to the worldwide web and what I would not! So, for now, nothing! :) That seems safest! Anyway, I am sure that the Lord will lead as to what I should blog about... God bless you and hope that your Christmas was a good one.

Heather said...

:) I just stopped by to see if there was an update!