Monday, December 31, 2007

Hello! Again. Do We Know You?

I just thought it appropriate to get reaquainted with whoever may be interested in a visit to my blog! I have been highly distracted with various different events happening with us personally and don't forget the "event" of Christmas. Not to be confused with the actual meaning of Christmas which is something I try to celebrate daily with my Savior! Anyway, I am back for a brief interlude to let you know a little more about us and what it is we do(or don't do as the case often is! ;))

We have had a very full and exciting year here on our farm! We decided to add a couple of goats to the mix and with them had to come this

She is so cute and fluffy, for now, but someday soon she will be a BIG goat protecting dog!

That isn't all that we have been doing here. We have been raising a small herd of cattle, eleven cows and 4 heifers and 2 bull calves to be exact! We have a small flock of chickens, and 4 horses. We have been talking about perhaps downsizing even more, but not sure where we could at this point seeings how we have only a small farm to begin with! It may seem small, but sometimes I can feel very overwhelmed by the responsibility that comes with caring for animals! However, there are many more positives than negatives. For instance, I am learning that raising my children out here coupled with homeschooling is such a stark contrast to how I was raised. They love to be home with their Mommy and Daddy, they love each other, they absolutely love being able to go outside and play with the goats and horses, and they are mostly unaffected by other peoples opinions of what they wear, how they play, how they act etc etc. I love that! Someday they will be grown enough on a solid foundation of love and truth in the admonition of the Lord, that I can put my trust in the Lord and hand them into His care, but for now He has given them to us(my husband and I of course!) to train up and with His grace we will perservere!

We have been blessed abundantly with ALL that God has trusted us with even when there have been intense valleys. One thing this past year the Lord has taught me more than ANYTHING is to Praise God ALWAYS, especially in the valleys! And that can be difficult when the shadows of those mountains are looming over you and it seems as though darkness might swallow you up! Always Praise Jesus, ALWAYS...

Monday, December 17, 2007

ANOTHER Give Away?!

I know!!!! The only thing you get out of me is go here and win this or go there and win that, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do!! I LOOOOOOVVVVEEE give aways! We happen to live on one income for 5 people, so I sign up where signing up is due! ;) However, I also know that a few of you live on one income as well and could be blessed by some free bidness!!!! So, without delay go here and sign up to win a $200 gift certificate for JEANS!!!!
Hurry Hurry!!! I will definetly have an update on my blog about something other than give aways some time, it just might have to be after Christmas! Being a wife, mommy, teacher, baker, cook, budgetier, house cleaner, and ALL the hats that I sport throughout the day, seems to take up a WHOLE lot of my time!!! ;) Who'd a thunk!
Ta Ta For Now! God bless you!